Thursday, October 1, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 1: Plenty, Eating Locally on the 100 Mile Diet

1.)  Plenty, Eating Locally on the 100 Mile Diet

2.)  A couple decides to only eat food produced 100 miles of their Vancouver home for one year.  This book shares their story as the authors reconnect with the people and places that produce what they eat.  This story is known to be a humorous, heart-warming, challenging, and enlightening read that will change the way you experience the world.

3.)  I heard of this book through a friend and she said that her mother really enjoyed it, so I thought I'd see if I thought the same.  I could never imagine myself doing such a thing because I usually eat out at least twice a week and know that resturaunts' foods are most likely shipped from elsewhere.  I guess I wanted to see how hard of a challenge this was for the authors.

4.)  Links for more information:

5.)  There are 264 pages in this book, so I figure I will write about the reading after every 66 pages.  There are twelve chapters, so that equals out to be 3 chapters I will have read every time I do a Read 'n' Seed post.