Thursday, November 5, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 7 & 8

*The past two Wednesdays we have been posting an update about our eco-chic lifestyle change.  I struggled with my change (getting outside 3 times a week) when I was sick, but lately I have been getting outside a
lot--making up for the lost time.  Sometimes it's tough to get my butt out the door, but I have enjoyed this change very much!

*During week 7 we had an eye opener due at the beginning of class which was a website that listed a bunch of cosmetic products and their rating of being hazardous.  I couldn't believe that my face lotion that I apply everyday has a risk of 7 out of 10!!  It is almost gone, so when it is time to buy a new bottle I am definitely going to buy a different brand.

*During week 7 we also had the second quater of our reed 'n' seed due, so I wrote a post about what has been going on in the 100 mile diet.  After I went back and looked at the post I realized I had rambled on and on and realized that for my next read 'n' seed post I should be more concise, so my readers do not feel so overwhelmed with all the wording.  Anyways, this book is really showing me how much America's food organization is changing--basically that we strongly rely on our food to travel great distances, rather than growing it locally.

*The Monday of week 8 we also had another eye opener due called "Get Your Junk On".   Dr. V showed us this great website of how people turned their trash into treasure.  It was quite interesting and super cool to see all the different types of decorations.  In class during that day we watched a documentary called "Thirst".  I found this film to be very interesting, but also bummed me out.  It made me so upset when that local worker quite his job since the company he worked for became privitized.  It was nice to see how much he loved his job though, and almost made me a little teary-eyed...hehe.  I also couldn't believe that the water in India is being pumped out by Coca-Cola and that the costs are now as much as milk!!  That is crazy that a huge corporation is charging and making a profit off of locals.  Anyways, overall these have been a very interesting past two weeks.  I can't believe midterm has already came and gone!!  Have a good weekend people.

A light bulb being used as a flower holder...fancy

Share and Voice: Healthy College Food

Hey guys, I have started to realize that ever since I moved out about two years ago, that I do not eat as healthy as I should be.  I tend to go out to eat often, bake frozen pizzas too much, and I never seem get enough fruits and veggies.  I found this sweet website that explains what kind of foods should be avoided, what to order while dinning out, how you can cook at home, and the site even gives simple healthy recipes that college students can make and enjoy.

While Eating Out...
-Try to order a grilled chicken sandwhich or deli sandwhich with NO mayo, instead of a greasey burger or something that has been drenched in oil and fried.
-Try buying pineapple and other very sweet fruits, instead of munching on a cookie, that way you can still get the sweetness just on a healthier level
-Stop ordering pop!!!  Pop has crazy sugar levels.  Try a water, cause you are most likely not getting enough as it is, or else order some juice.

While Dinning In...
-The website lists these items as top healty cheap foods:  broccoli, corn, spinach, carrots, chicken, pasta, vegetable sauce, apples, oranges, fruit juice, 1% or skim milk, water, corn bread, oatmeal, yogurt, and eggs.
-Avoid pasta and canned sauce every night of the week!!  Unless you are rigorously exercising.
-DO NOT skip breakfast.  At least treat yourself to a cup of O.J. every morning if you are rushed!
-Drink plenty of water!!!  It keeps the skin smooth and tricks your body on feeling full on little calories
-The website says that lighting a few candles at your house while eating can help you relax and forget your worries.

Don't forget your OJ at breakfast!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Update


To engage in an outdoor activity 3 times a week, for example; walking, running, biking, sledding, playing tennis, etc.

Successes and Challenges:

The end of last week I was recovering from a very bad cold, cough and fever, so I had to take it pretty easy for a couple of days.  I was planning on running instead of walking last week, to try to increase the intensity of my exercise, but I failed to do so late last week.  Although, yesterday my boyfriend and I went on a twenty minute run around his neighborhood since it was soo nice out.  We also ended up biking to CubFoods later to buy stuff for dinner.  Overall, I have been managing to get outside three times a week.  Sometimes it is hard to pull myself away from a TV show I am watching, or the weather may not be the best, but I have overcome those challenges by trying to realize the feeling of gratitude after I complete my outdoor exercise.  Since the semester is coming to an end, I feel that it is going to become harder to get outside since I am going to be swamped with homework most days.  To overcome this I am going to see as getting outside as a "breather" from my studies, and hopefully that will motivate me to get outdoors.

Feelings Experienced:

After I am done exercising outdoors I feel completely refreshed.  Since most times I get outside with another person it gives me time to "bond" or whatever, with whoever I decide to exercise with...usually being my boyfriend or roommate.  I feel that when I have a lot to deal with it feels the best exercising outdoors during those times, since it kind of works as a stress reliever for me.  Although, when I got sick all I wanted to do was stay in bed, but overall, the feelings I have experienced are very positive.


I learned that when you are sick you gotta take it easy, whether you would like to or not, because if you don't you will probably just end up getting even sicker.  I also am figuring out that there are several great hiking trails closeby my house, so I plan on visiting those areas soon.  I haven't hiked much, but I enjoy walking and jogging, so I thought this would be a good plan.

For Next Week:

I plan on running rather than walking and to get on a hiking trail.  Although, next week is looking like a very busy week homework-wise and work hour wise, so if need be I will lessen the time of exercise by ten minutes, but still get outside three times next week.

*Here are some pictures of my boyfriend and I in West Duluth.  We found this sweet river with lots of  paths to walk on and we ended up roaming around for almost an hour.  It was kinda chilly out, but it was pretty fun!!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week __ hosted by

Monday, November 2, 2009

Eye Opener: Junk on the Brain

Antiques:  An old collectable item.  It is collected or desired because of it's age, rarity, condition, utility, or other unique features.  It is an object that represents a pervious era.

Junk: Waste, any undesirable thing or substance.

Flea Market: A type of bazaar where inexpensive or secondhand goods are sold or bartered.  It may be indoors, such as a warehouse or school gym, or it may be outdoors, such as in a field or under a tent.

Thrift Shop/Resale Shop: Usually sell secondhand goods donated by the members of the public and are often staffed by volunteers.

Upcycling: Involves processing used materials into new products, or the re-use of a product with crippled functionality for alternative purposes, to prevent waste of potentially used materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution, water pollution, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to a virgin product, with the intent of creating a product of higher quality design and artistic value.

What do the terms above have to do with environmental health?
Every one of the above terms have to do with reusing items.  Reusing items can be extremely important when thinking about keeping our environment healthy, for example, if we reuse--we produce less and save energy.

Identify at least one local resource for each of the terms above...provide name, location, contact info, and link to website or blog.
Father Time Antiques
Duluth, MN

Chester Creek Books and Antiques
Duluth, MN

Flea Market:
Flea Portal
Carlton, MN

Thrift Shop/Resale Shop:
Duluth, MN

I could not find anything specific to Duluth while using the Google search engine.

Identify whether you do or do not use any of these things and explain why or why not.
I actually just recently went to Goodwill and found my halloween costume there, and it only costed five dollars.  I thought it was a great deal.  Although, at the time I guess I didn't realize that I was actually "bettering" the Environment in a way, by buying a product that has been previously used, rather than a brand new one.  Other than that, I have not been anywhere else related to these definitions.  Although while I visit down in Arizona I usually spend some time at a Flea Market, but I have never been to one in Minnesota.  This makes me realize that there are plenty of second hand stores that I can visit instead of buying products that are new.

Get Your Junk On!!!
1.) Paint Can Lamp
I thought this lamp was kinda neat.  I would have never thought about making it out of all these used products!

2.)Button Necklace
This necklace is pretty cool too, nothing I would wear, but creative!

3.) Bed Spring Candle Holder
I thought this was super neat!!  It is a decoration made from a bed spring.  I think this is something I would actually put in my house for decor.