Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Share and Voice: How to Avoid Swine Flu Infection


Some of you probably think the swine flu is extremely over publicized lately and that people are overreacting when they worry if they have it or not, but if you have or get very sick this winter, you will be thankful for this website.  This site gives a little background information about what the swine flu is and how it differs from the other types of flus.  Since I have been very sick on and off lately, I thought it'd be a good idea to see how my symptoms relate to the symptoms of someone who is infected with the swine flu.  I had symptoms that were very similar to the swine flu symptoms earlier in the school year, but luckily I was tested and the doctor's report said I did not have the infection, rather I had just the regular flu (that was a couple weeks ago).  I feel as I should go back to the doctor, since I am sick again (very bad cough), but kind of feel like a worry-wart doing so...so I have yet to get to a clinic for a second time.  Anyways, the website listed some ways of how to avoid the swine flu, which were:

-Wash hands frequently/Carry hand sanitizer
-Touch public facilities as little as possible
-Avoid closed quaters (airplanes, small rooms, etc)
-Clean your produce
-Avoid crowds
-Do not share drinks and food with others
-Contain your cough!!
-Get a H1N1 Vaccination (pregnant women, children and young people are highest at risk)
-Visit your doctor if you have symptoms pertaining to the swine flu

The website also gives a lot of other information about the swine flu if you click on the tabs ontop of the page.


  1. The worst part about the SWINE is that I do all these things! I am the person that reminds others to wash their hands!! I feel that this is getting passed on by people not caring, and they need too! Way to many people are missing school, work, life..So cover your cough! :)

  2. This is very relevant to our current situation. Thanks for posting!

  3. An award for you on my blog! I really love this post!
