lot--making up for the lost time. Sometimes it's tough to get my butt out the door, but I have enjoyed this change very much!
*During week 7 we had an eye opener due at the beginning of class which was a website that listed a bunch of cosmetic products and their rating of being hazardous. I couldn't believe that my face lotion that I apply everyday has a risk of 7 out of 10!! It is almost gone, so when it is time to buy a new bottle I am definitely going to buy a different brand.
*During week 7 we also had the second quater of our reed 'n' seed due, so I wrote a post about what has been going on in the 100 mile diet. After I went back and looked at the post I realized I had rambled on and on and realized that for my next read 'n' seed post I should be more concise, so my readers do not feel so overwhelmed with all the wording. Anyways, this book is really showing me how much America's food organization is changing--basically that we strongly rely on our food to travel great distances, rather than growing it locally.
*The Monday of week 8 we also had another eye opener due called "Get Your Junk On". Dr. V showed us this great website of how people turned their trash into treasure. It was quite interesting and super cool to see all the different types of decorations. In class during that day we watched a documentary called "Thirst". I found this film to be very interesting, but also bummed me out. It made me so upset when that local worker quite his job since the company he worked for became privitized. It was nice to see how much he loved his job though, and almost made me a little teary-eyed...hehe. I also couldn't believe that the water in India is being pumped out by Coca-Cola and that the costs are now as much as milk!! That is crazy that a huge corporation is charging and making a profit off of locals. Anyways, overall these have been a very interesting past two weeks. I can't believe midterm has already came and gone!! Have a good weekend people.
A light bulb being used as a flower holder...fancy