Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 3 & 4

I feel that I have learned quite a bit over the past two weeks.  The Monday of week three we actually didn't have a class, but instead had a meeting with either Steve or Jayme.  I ending up meeting with Jayme and she went through the list of stuff that was required so far for a student going for an "A" grade.  She was very helpful and showed me how to add the labels to my blog since I was having difficulties with that.  We also had to decide which book we were going to read for our Read 'n' Seed project.  I looked through a list of Environmental books on Amazon and found a reading called Plenty: The 100 Mile Diet.  This book is about a Vancouver couple eating locally (foods only within 100 miles of their apartment) for one year.  I thought it sounded interesting because I feel that this would be a hard challenge and wanted to see how they overcame their difficulties.

During week four we had to have the ecological footprint eye opener assignment done before class.  This is a quiz that basically tells a person how much earth is required to fit their lifestyle.  I couldn't believe that we would need five earths if everyone lived the way I do!  That is so crazy and got me thinking I should really make some changes to the way I live.  I was actually not in class this Monday because I have been sick with a really bad cold and fever this week, but I am feeling a lot better now, I just have a cough that I need to get rid of!  I have not had the chance to rent An Inconvient Truth yet, but I plan on watching it this weekend when I have more time, since I have been playing catch up in all of my classes.  I read about the video though and it is a documentary on global warming and how people are the main cause of it, but they emphasize that there is time to change our ways.  Anyways, even though I have not been in class for the past two weeks, I'm still learning lots and enjoying it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Share and Voice: 20/20 Sick in America: Whose Body is it Anyway?

This youtube video presented by Abc's 20/20 talks about America's current health care.  I barely know anything about the topic itself, so I thought it would be beneficial for me to view to get a bit of insight on what the ordeal is about.  This video clearly stated that America's current health care is "...disfunctional and out of control..."  They took on the view that insurance companies are profitting off the high costs to pay their executives.  They also talk about how other people spend our health care money for us, such as hospitals deal with the costs and may jack up the prices thinking patients don't pay close attention to them since it is covered by their insurance.  One other important fact that was noted in the clip was that 2/3 of people get health care through their employer.  Specialists being interviewed in the video said this is not a good idea to tie health care to people's jobs because it is shown that 4/10 Americans change jobs ever year, thus loosing their benefits.

After thinking about this video, I have a feeling it may be biased.  It is only focusing on negative aspects of health care and not any advantages there is to having health insurance today.  I hear all the time that our health care system is failing, but there must be a couple positive things about the source today.  And I agree with the lady being interviewed, that the government should not only rely on people to get health care through their employer.  Many people in America are self employed, switch jobs often, or become laid off.  All in all, our health care system needs to be corrected and this situation needs to be made aware to the public eye.

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal

Over the next ten weeks I want to get outside 2-3 times a week and engage in an outdoor activity, for at least 30 minutes at a time.  This could be running, biking, hiking, tennis, rollarblading, iceskating, snowshoeing, etc.  This lifestyle change may not directly better the environment, but I feel that it is important for people to enjoy their outdoor surroundings, and for me that is not a current priority. 

I want to change this behavior because in the past months I have not been getting the exercise I need.  I feel like I have a lack of energy, I am not in the greatest physical condition, and I am not taking advantage of the great northern outdoors and scenary it has to offer.  I sense that I will sleep better at night, feel rejuvenated during the day and better my mental and physical wellness if I become involved in outdoor activities.

I hope this lifestyle change will be refreshing and motivate me to keep this change a priority even when the class is over.

A view from a hiking trail in Duluth

Monday, October 5, 2009

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

Before this assignment I had no idea what an ecological footprint was.  In short an ecological footprint can be answered in the simple question of how much of Earth's resources does your lifestyle require?  This question came from the Redefining Progress The Nature of Economics

After reading more in depth about what the ecological footprint is, I decided to take the Ecological footprint quiz.  This quiz basically helped me get an idea of how much area of land and ocean are needed to provide for my individual needs. The footprint is divided into four consumption subgroups:  carbon being home energy use and transportation, food, housing, and goods/services.  The footprint is also broken down into four ecosystems types:  cropland, pastureland, forestland, and marine fisheries.

After I took the quiz I was not too happy with my results.  Overall, I was above average.  I was greatly above average in my Carbon and Goods/Services footprints.  I was above average in my food footprint and just average in my housing footprint.  I couldn't believe it that if everyone in the world lived the way I do, we would need 4.99 worlds!  That is not easy to hear.

One change that I realize that could be made is to start car-pooling with people.  I am originally from the cities and visit often (2-3 times a month) and almost always drive alone.  I think it would be better if I found other people to go with, ride a train (if possible) or to even limit my vists.  I also realize that taking the bus is an option to get to school.  Even if I only rode the bus two or three times a week, it could make a big difference if it is thought about in yearly terms. 

One other change I feel that would be vital would be to stop eating out so much and start going to supermarkets and buy organic foods.  I probably eat out more than the average person, mostly because it is a quick eat and being a full time student with a part time job does not leave much time to cook.  Although I am sure there are simple things that are available for me to cook/bake, but I just don't have the knowledge of the sorts. 

This was a good exercise to get us students thinking about how our behaviors and decisions impact the world at large.