Thursday, October 29, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 3: Second quater of: "Plenty, Eating Locally on the 100 Mile Diet"

I read the three chapters titled June, July and August, which led me up to page 126.


-There is a scene in this chapter when the deli man helping out Alisa gets frusterated because she keeps asking if specific items are local or not.  The deli man also did not get what local means, because he specified some beef being local that was delivered from over 600 miles away.  This showed the readers that people who are pressed for information who are paid to provide exactly that service tend to get annoyed if they are not their average customer.  This showed me how America is becoming-that the best answer comes the fastest.
-The couple narratoring this book have been vegetarians for 15 years, so they wanted to highlight how hard it was to find alternative foods that would give them protein that weren't of meat within their 100 mile radius.  They realized that their vegetarian lifestyle was greatly dependent upton the distance food system.
-Near the end of this chapter Alisa states "The exercise had begun to feel pointless." on page 75.  She had the feeling that there was no point in living the 100 mile diet anymore because she was getting sick and tired of the limited amounts of what they had to eat.  She also thought about how this 100 mile diet would be if they lived in Spain, instead of Vancouver.  Alisa said that they would probably have to make fewer changes and have lots of different choices in they were in Spain, which goes to show how America's agriculture is very industrialized.


-I just realized that I have forgotten to tell you guys that at the beginning of every new chapter of this book is listed a recipe that have some sentimental importance to the authors.
-During this month the couple decided to post a article about their 100 mile diet on the web.  They got more than imagined feedback that showed interest about their diet, and the repeated question of, "is your new diet boring?"
-This chapter also gives great detail on how the countries of the world started to swap foods with each other, which in reality was not even needed.  They believe the countries started doing so, to feel as if they were getting more variety in their diets, which in reality variety was available to them already in their own lands. 
-It highlights the sadness that many family farms are getting shut down because of big farming organizations.  Family farms will ask other farms to keep their a few of their crops growing and give them seeds, because it's been in their family for several generations.
-This chapter also brings up the idea that the varities of food are slimming.  The authors give the example of radish, that there used to be 436 different kinds, while now the grocery stores seldom carry more than a couple different types.
-On page 99 it states, "The daily food supply in America now contains enough calories to feed almost double the U.S. population, without  reducing food exports by one itoa.  People spend 7% of their disposable income on food, down from 22% in 1950."


-In this chapter the couple takes a 16 hour road trip to vacation at a cabin they rent out for a month each summer.  This chapter basically explains their new territory they have to deal with and goes into depth about their visits at some local farmers' markets.  Alisa goes on to tell about what the couple usually does for fun while staying out there for a few weeks and says that the place has a very naturalistic feel to it.  While getting comfortable in their cabin, they meet a man named Roy and they end up having a fire together.  They sit around the fire all night and listen to Roy's stories about the woods they rest in.
-Alisa points out that everyday she and her husband would search for berries of such in the woods and that would usually be their breakfast.  There was a cherry orchard near by so they would visit there often, too.  There were many apple trees near by, so nearing the end of the month they picked apples and made many apple pies.
-This chapter was more of a "story telling" chapter, rather than having much informational aspect to it.

*I feel that by putting in the scene of the deli man becoming frusterated with Alisa when she was asking if certain products were local was showing the readers that America is becoming greatly industrialized and that the best answer comes the fastest.
*I also believe that it is important to highlight the fact that the variety of foods are lessing due to the big farming cooperations that are taking over.  They are only producing large quantities of specific types of food, causing customers to loose their once many options of a food choice.
*These chapters also highlight that some people don't even know what "local" means.  I mean, one worker in this story said a certain type of meat was "local" when really it was sent to that location from 600 miles away.
*It also brings up the fact that the calories in the American diet could feed double the population of the US right now.  That is showing us that people in the United States are eating double than what they actually should be eating.  That is crazy to me!
*I liked how Alisa brought up the idea that this 100 mile diet would be extremely easier if she lived in Spain, rather than Vancouver.  It goes to show that countries all over the world are still living mainly locally, and that America's agriculture is becoming industrialized and that most people rely on far distance food shipping more than ever.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Share and Voice: How to Avoid Swine Flu Infection

Some of you probably think the swine flu is extremely over publicized lately and that people are overreacting when they worry if they have it or not, but if you have or get very sick this winter, you will be thankful for this website.  This site gives a little background information about what the swine flu is and how it differs from the other types of flus.  Since I have been very sick on and off lately, I thought it'd be a good idea to see how my symptoms relate to the symptoms of someone who is infected with the swine flu.  I had symptoms that were very similar to the swine flu symptoms earlier in the school year, but luckily I was tested and the doctor's report said I did not have the infection, rather I had just the regular flu (that was a couple weeks ago).  I feel as I should go back to the doctor, since I am sick again (very bad cough), but kind of feel like a worry-wart doing I have yet to get to a clinic for a second time.  Anyways, the website listed some ways of how to avoid the swine flu, which were:

-Wash hands frequently/Carry hand sanitizer
-Touch public facilities as little as possible
-Avoid closed quaters (airplanes, small rooms, etc)
-Clean your produce
-Avoid crowds
-Do not share drinks and food with others
-Contain your cough!!
-Get a H1N1 Vaccination (pregnant women, children and young people are highest at risk)
-Visit your doctor if you have symptoms pertaining to the swine flu

The website also gives a lot of other information about the swine flu if you click on the tabs ontop of the page.

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update

My goal, as most of you may remember, is to get outside 3 times a week, which unfortunately did not happen this week.  I got very sick (once again) over the weekend with a fever and very bad cough, so I basically slept all weekend and tried to get some homework done.  Although, last thursday (I believe) my roomies and I went down to Canal Park to take our Christmas card picture and I asked them if they would like to walk around the boardwalk, so I could sneak in an outdoor activity, and they agreed.  Other than that, I have not gotten outside at all.  This week I felt like I accomplished nothing, but at the same time I felt exhausted.

My main goal as of now is just to get better and stay better!!!  I am so sick of being sick ahh!!  Mainly because I hate getting behind in classses.  I am also thinking that when I get completely better that I am going to make sure to bundle up when I go outside, to avoid any cold I might get...or else exercise at the UMD gym if the weather is bad.

Next week I am hoping to get outside 3 times, because it feels like I haven't been outside in forever!!  I also realize that I sleep much better at night on the days I get outside, but lately the bad night sleeps could just because of my cough, or maybe both.  Anyways, hope all of your lifestyle changes went better than mine this week!  Stay healthy.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

I thought about what cosmetic product I use most and I figured it would have to be Dove's face care deep moisture facial lotion.  After looking up the product, I realized it gave a 7/10 hazardous rating.  That is WAAY too high for me to keep continuing to put something that risky on my face, especially at the rate of one to two times daily!  It then gave a list of what this product is linked to, which were: cancer, developmental/reproductive toxicity, violations and restrictions warnings, allergies and immunotoxicty, and listed other concerns for ingredients used in this product: Neurotoxicity, Endocrine disruption, Persistence and bioaccumulation, Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive), Miscellaneous, Multiple, additive exposure sources, Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Enhanced skin absorption, Contamination concerns, Occupational hazards, Biochemical or cellular level changes.   If this online information is completely accurate, I cannot believe that products like these can get pass regulations and still be up for sale for the consumer.  It P.O.'s me that these companies are willing to put their consumers at risk, just so they can make a profit.

After becoming aware of the risks involved when using my current face lotion, I thought it was obvious that I needed to find a face lotion with lower health risks involved.  I found a lotion called DCL AHA Revitalizing Lotion 10 for face and it only had a 4/10 rate of being hazardous (moderate hazard).  I feel that it is important for me to switch products because then I won't feel that I am supporting something that could be harmful to the consumers.  Sure, this different product still is risky for the consumer, but it is a better change from where I am at right now.  I feel that if I make this change and keep looking for other products with even a lower harm rate of 4, that I am lessening my chances of health effects and also showing the company that I will not put up with these risks involved if I consume their product.