Thursday, November 5, 2009

Share and Voice: Healthy College Food

Hey guys, I have started to realize that ever since I moved out about two years ago, that I do not eat as healthy as I should be.  I tend to go out to eat often, bake frozen pizzas too much, and I never seem get enough fruits and veggies.  I found this sweet website that explains what kind of foods should be avoided, what to order while dinning out, how you can cook at home, and the site even gives simple healthy recipes that college students can make and enjoy.

While Eating Out...
-Try to order a grilled chicken sandwhich or deli sandwhich with NO mayo, instead of a greasey burger or something that has been drenched in oil and fried.
-Try buying pineapple and other very sweet fruits, instead of munching on a cookie, that way you can still get the sweetness just on a healthier level
-Stop ordering pop!!!  Pop has crazy sugar levels.  Try a water, cause you are most likely not getting enough as it is, or else order some juice.

While Dinning In...
-The website lists these items as top healty cheap foods:  broccoli, corn, spinach, carrots, chicken, pasta, vegetable sauce, apples, oranges, fruit juice, 1% or skim milk, water, corn bread, oatmeal, yogurt, and eggs.
-Avoid pasta and canned sauce every night of the week!!  Unless you are rigorously exercising.
-DO NOT skip breakfast.  At least treat yourself to a cup of O.J. every morning if you are rushed!
-Drink plenty of water!!!  It keeps the skin smooth and tricks your body on feeling full on little calories
-The website says that lighting a few candles at your house while eating can help you relax and forget your worries.

Don't forget your OJ at breakfast!!


  1. I always drink orange juice! good idea for a share and voice :)

  2. I never miss breakfast, the most important meal of the day! I do try to eat healthy, I try not to buy bad things because if I have them, I will eat them...
