Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Share and Voice: Organic Food Info


Since I am reading the 100 Mile Diet, I thought it would be benefical for me to become more knowledgable about organic food, since my reed 'n seed book has a lot to do with organic vs non organic food.  I found this great website that gives some very important information on organic food and why most critics think it is better than regular food.

Benefits of Organic Food:
*Most common benefit--tastes better

*Health Benefits--Organic foods prevent people from ingesting regular amounts of pesticides and insecticides commonly found in commercial products. Animals are not routinely given antibiotics and other medication which enters the food supply to humans.  Also avoids excessive chemicals that have been known to be linked to major health problems.

*Environmental Benefits--Organic farming ensures that bio-diversity remains available in the foods we eat and the wildlife that live on the farms. Fruits and vegetables are naturally available in 100's of varieties.  In short, organic food protects the plants!  Many species of birds, insects and other animals are affected by the chemicals and farming conditions used in growing commercial foods.

*Human and Animal Benefits-- The workers and the animals are not as exposed to dangerous toxins or working and living conditions. This enables people to continue growing healthy foods for the rest of society without reliance on huge machinery and chemicals. Animals are not subjected to dangerous living conditions.  These unhealthy living conditions usually spread illnesses around the livestock.


  1. I love the health benefits of organic foods, they are better for you. Your share and voice will help me with my 1 organic food choice when I am the grocery store!

  2. I have tried to eat more organically. It honestly makes me feel better!

  3. Great post!! Very informative!! I'm amazed by all the different carrots in the photo. They are beautiful. If they taste as good as they look, I bet the are delicious!
