Monday, October 19, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

Hey guys, my SMART goal has been going pretty good.  I have been getting outside at least twice a week, but most times three times a week.  In the last two weeks I have gone on a couple walks with my boyfriend, played ultimate football with some cousins at a family get together, went for a run at the boardwalk down in canal, and when I was in the cities I played tennis with my sister a couple times. 

For the past two weeks my lifestyle change has not been too hard because my homework load has not been too heavy and my work hours have been little.  Even though walking is not an intense activity, I have come to realize that I really enjoy it.  It kind of works as a stress reliever for me.  I should probably start running more, but honestly I'd rather not (hehe).  The weather is getting cooler now, so I have been wearing a hat and mittens when my boyfriend and I go wandering around his neighborhood, since it's usually after dark.  I also realize it is much easier for me to get outside when I have someone to go with.  It gives me much more motivation and makes it a lot more fun. 

A picture I took on a walk in Duluth

Since it is almost midterm I can tell that my classes are going to become much more time consuming and rigorous, so this may become a conflict.  To overcome this I see that it is still important to get outside, but maybe lessen the amount of time I am outside for.  This does not mean I am not accountable for my lifestyle change, but it is important to adjust the change in order to avoid stress.  Also weather may become a obstacle to overcome.  If weather does not permit for outdoor activity, I will just have to go to a gym or do an areobics video least I still get to exercise someway.  For next week I am planning to actually run outside at least once, instead of just walking...hopefully I can stick to this goal!!  Have a good week everyone.


  1. I'm sure it has been going very well, we have actually got a few nice days! Keep it up!

  2. Good job with getting outside a lot!! Getting outside does make a difference in your day! It is always easier when you have someone to go with too!
