Friday, October 23, 2009

Share and Voice: Tips for Going Green on a Budget

This website gives great tips on how to "Go Green" on a tight budget.  He gives seven great ideas on how to safe money while perserving the environment at the same time.

1.) Shut down and unplug electronics
2.) Wash your clothes in cold water
3.) Fill your waterbottle with filtered tap water
4.) Update your wardrobe for less-you can trade your current styles for newer styles for free at
5.) Exchange CDs, DVDs, and books instead of buying
6.) Use refurbished electronics
7.) Use kitchen utensils made of recylced materials

The website goes in more detail on how to go about these changes, but I just wanted to give you the gist of things.  One thing I need to work on is remembering to bring my waterbottle to class.  I always seem to forget it at my house or in my car, so somedays I end up purchasing water at the coffee shop.  I thought it was kinda neat that there is a website where you can actually trade in your clothes for new clothes for free (besides paying shipping and handling in some cases).  Just some ideas on how to live a greener life.

Near the upper top of the page on this website there is a tap that says "Facts" and list why certain things are harmful to our environment.  I read through the list and found out some pretty interesting stuff, such as in 2006 the average American used 167 disposable water bottles and only recycled 38.  That is crazy, that is over 45% of the year that people use a disposable water bottle!  Anyways, I would suggest reading through the fact part as well.  Have a good one everyone.


  1. i like these ideas! we are all obviously not very rich at this time in our lives so these are great ways to innovate!

  2. This website is very helpful! I agree with Ashley above that ebay and places like platos closet where you can get nice used items is a plus!
